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The mental capacity that we have to represent an object or a situation using our imagination and intuition.

Our unconscious does not know the difference between what is real and what is not. If you are afraid of snakes, the mere fact of imagining one will cause psychological reactions similar to those you would have if you were actually facing it.

Thanks to imaging, neurosciences have demonstrated that visual perception and imagination would activate the same areas of the brain.

We can therefore make ourselves sick with real or imaginary worries, as much as we can make ourselves happy with imaginary or real joys.

Imagination has no limite, your only limit is your mind.


Imagine yourself in a situation, in the present moment , as if it had already happened. Visualized all the details, use all your senses.

Eliminate every negative thought, every emotional blocage. Negative exemples:"I am not worthy","I will not be able to...", replace by:"I am progressing regularly","I am capable of...".

Regularly focus on this situation in a positive way. Feel, see, hear your joy of being in this situation that you so desire.

Say thank you to God (if you are a believer), to the Universe or all the people likely to help you achieve your goals, in order to become aware of the success of this situation.

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